I love collaborating with passion-filled brands from the soon-to-launch to the up-and-coming to the tried and true. My personal criteria for featuring items are that products are cruelty-free, innovative, and non-pro-inflammatory. I abide by the advice Thumper’s mama gave him in Bambi (e.g., if you can’t say somethin’ nice, don’t say anything at all) and write only positive reviews. Should I have an issue with or adverse reaction to a product, I will discuss it directly and privately with the sender to discuss ways forward.
My ultimate goal is to share and celebrate extraordinary skin care that works with skin rather than against it. I enjoy nothing more than promoting people who inspire me and products that deliver on their promises. Depending on your preference, I can focus solely on reviewing the products or I can delve deeper and do some brand storytelling as well. As a trained clinical psychologist, I love interviewing founders and formulators about their vision and passions.
I put a great deal of time into getting to know products and try to be thoughtful with each review I write, which means the finished product may take some time but will be worth the wait.
Finally, I strive to be professional, and I always abide by FTC disclosure guidelines.
Please email me with any questions or to discuss possibilities (e.g., a feature of your product and/or a sponsored giveaway).
GENERAL DISCLAIMER: All content is based on personal experience and is for informational purposes only. I do not recommend trying new products–no matter how “healing” or “gentle”–on skin that is already inflamed or highly compromised. My skin is photosensitive, dehydrated, aging, sensitive and easily irritated, prone to inflammation and congestion. For your sake, I hope your skin is a little less troubled/complicated than mine! Everyone’s skin is different, and your response to or results from a product may be different from mine. Always read ingredient lists and patch test before slathering a new product all over your face.
The content of this blog is protected by copyright.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: None of the opinions expressed here are meant to substitute for medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor or another qualified health provider, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of the opinions you read here.
AFFILIATE LINKS: Posts marked with an affiliate disclaimer may contain shopping links that provide a small sales-based commission in the event that a purchase is made through the link, and affiliate banners also appear on the blog sidebar and footer. It costs you nothing extra to make a purchase through an affiliate link and helps to support the costs of running this site, as Lovely with Lupus does not contain sponsored posts or paid reviews. I am an affiliate for Integrity Botanicals, Blissoma Skincare, TrueLipids, and Safe & Chic. Should you decide to make a purchase through an affiliate link, I thank you for your support.
PRIVACY POLICY: This blog does not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies.
You can turn off the use of cookies at any time by changing your specific browser settings. We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission.
This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on January 28, 2018. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly here: melissa@thebeautylibrarian.com.
Thank you!